Mastering the Business of Organizing
Do you love to organize? Have you dreamed of running your own business? You can do both and earn a great salary too! "I wrote Mastering the Business of Organizing A Guide to Plan, Launch, Manage, Grow, and Leverage a Profitable, Professional Organizing Business along with the Institute for Professional Organizers™ curriculum and program because I believe in the immense value of this profession. I want others who aspire to it to represent the industry as experienced and knowledgeable professionals. I also want to share my learning, hoping that others will benefit greatly from my experiences. You don't have to suffer by figuring out how to start your own business and wondering if you are doing it right. You will benefit immediately by learning what took me years and hard lessons to know."
There are numerous books on starting a Professional Organizing business, but none as comprehensive and current as Mastering the Business of Organizing: A Guide to Plan, Launch, Manage, Grow, and Leverage a Profitable, Professional Organizing Business. Mastering the Business of Organizing is among the Suggested Resources to aid CPO candidates' preparation for the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) exam.
Note: Mastering the Business of Organizing: A Guide to Plan, Launch, Manage, Grow, and Leverage a Profitable, Professional Organizing Business (2nd ed., revised) is an updated and expanded edition of Get Rich Organizing published in 2009.

Mastering the Business of Organizing will:
- Provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to become a successful professional organizing business owner.
- Help you cut out months or even years of annoying mistakes and learning curves because you need to make money immediately.
- Show you how to position yourself in the market to attract your ideal client with one hundred marketing ideas.
- Provide you with legal, insurance, and tax information to get you started in the right business entity for you and an understanding of the protection your business needs.
- Instruct you on how to communicate your value and how to charge for your valuable services.
- Prepare you with a list of materials needed for your office and organizing toolkit.
- Provide you with information and strategies to keep you and your client safe when working together.
- Prepare you with checklists of what you need to do and bring for each stage of the client process.
- Teach you proven processes, strategies, and systems to organize others and transfer organizing skills.
- Tell real client stories that will inspire you to teach others organizing skills and keep you from making some serious mistakes in dealing with clients.
- Move you to action with recommended exercises and actions found at the end of the chapters.
Additionally, you receive:
- Forms available for you to personalize with your company information saving you hours of time creating on your own.
- A listing of my top twenty-five organizing products and where to find them, so you don’t have to spend time researching.
- Material to create workshops on paper, time, and clutter so you can immediately market and demonstrate your organizing knowledge.
- Resources for space planning tools and website development.
- Up-to-date Professional Organizer industry association information.
Mastering the Business of Organizing is an essential guide for professional organizers and productivity consultants, and it advances the message and the vision of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals.
All this valuable and sought after information and more for $34.99 (plus shipping)! And, your purchase is 100% tax deductible as a business expense. It is a minuscule price to pay for the amazing value you will receive, the time you will save, and the mistakes you will avoid. Just take a look at the table of contents!
There are numerous books on the subject of starting a professional organizing business, but none as comprehensive and up-to-date as Mastering the Business of Organizing: A Guide to Plan, Launch, Manage, Grow, and Leverage a Profitable, Professional Organizing Business (available on Amazon).
“This book is mighty. Anne is the true expert in transferring the skills, framework, and plan for your organizing career. Her methodology and training led me to confidently launch my company, Simplify Experts, and build it into a thriving, multiple six-figure revenue stream. Follow her plan!”
Denise Allan, CPO-CD, CPO, Simplify Experts, LLC, Author of Declutter and Thrive
“To get a sense for who Anne Blumer is, and how practical and enjoyable this book will be for you, please do read the book’s preface about her journey. You’ll read in there what I know about Anne, as we have worked on the Board for the Institute for Challenging Disorganization together and continue our friendship today. All of it will help you see how right she is to be the one creating this book for you.
She has a high sense of integrity, a great sense of humor, lots of compassion, fairness, intelligence and she is inquisitive. Her corporate background has served her very well as she has grown this business. Why make the mistakes people before us have made; learn from their experiences and feel more confident right away with clients and in running and growing your business.
This book is unique, as is her education program, in that she not only teaches you about organization but also about running a successful, sustainable, growing business. Trust me, Anne will be by your side, lending compassion along with accountability, as you walk forward together, Mastering the Business of Organizing.”
Sue West, CPO-CD®, COC®, MBA, ICD and NAPO member, ICD President 2016-2018